Chemical-Free Camping Portable Toilet in Australia | DryFlush
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The Brand New Chemical Toilet Alternative. Chemical-Free Portable Toilet

  • No liquids or chemicals

  • Never clogs or jams

  • Clears waste from sight in seconds

  • Locks in 100% of the smell

  • Can be set up anywhere in 30 seconds

  • 300 flushes on a single 1-hour charge

  • 7 Day Money Back Guarantee

  • 12-Month Warranty

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Check Out This Review!

Why This Portable Electric Camping Toilet Is Making Chemical Toilets A Thing Of The Past...

There's no easy way to talk about this, but here we go...

Emptying a chemical toilet is one of the WORST jobs in all things related to camping, caravanning and the great outdoors.

Carting your family's waste to a small hole in the ground, a public toilet, or a purpose built chemical dumping point, and then pouring that sewage out is horrific.


Not to mention the cleaning that should occur right afterwards.


It's smelly. It's dirty. And for many, it takes you to the edge of throwing up, ever single time.


But it's also often not practical.


What do you do if you are miles away from a public toilet or dumping point?


You can't empty a chemical cassette toilet into a septic system, and you certainly can't just empty it onto the side of the road.


For these reasons, the brand new Laveo Dry Flush toilet is a God-send to anyone looking for a practical, odour-free, chemical free toilet experience that can be used literally anywhere, without ever having to see or smell your family's waste from the moment you push the flush button.   

Yes, these toilets are more expensive than a chemical toilet, but they solve the biggest problem in offgrid toileting elegantly, cleanly and in a humane way.


Restore the fun and levity of being on the road and enjoying all that camping, fishing, boating and the great outdoors has to offer without ever worrying about having to empty and clean that horrific chemical toilet again!

These toilets are perfect for camping, caravans, RVs, campervans, van conversions, boats and marine craft, planes, tiny homes, or anything off-grid.

They can can be installed in a few minutes and are often being used to replace whatever the manufacturer installed because they are simply a much better portable toilet solution! 

How The System Works

Laveo Portable Toilet How It Works.jpg

This incredible toilet works via a patented process that uses an electric motor, two fans, a proprietary mylar bagging system, and a healthy dose of physics and engineering.

Concealed under the toilet seat is a bagging cartridge that contains a single mylar bag that is more than 5 meters long. When the toilet is “flushed”, the toilet twists the bagging material from under the seat tightly around the waste, sealing in the smell, before pulling down a fresh section of the bag ready for its next use.

  • There are no liquids (or chemicals sloshing around).

  • There are no dumping stations to find or gag-inducing emptying sessions to be done.

  • There is no lingering smell because your waste is tightly wrapped and sealed each time you flush.


You simply push the button, and seconds later you’re done with your waste, never to be seen or smelled again, all without any wiring, plumbing, water, or ongoing maintenance.

12 Reasons Why This Is The Greatest
Portable Toilet On Earth!


Preserve your onboard water supply because this toilet uses no water!


No more super thin "high-risk" toilet papers for you! You can stick to the plush stuff :-)


This battery stays charged for up to 3 months at a time and it makes the toilet 100% portable. Take it anywhere


You won't be stuck for parts! This power supply is an easy-to-find motor bike battery.


There are no liquids at all in this design.


Feminine products. String. Solids. Anything!


You can run it off your inverter or power as well.


This is a quality, American-made product!


Easily the worst job in caravanning or camping is emptying a chemical toilet. Never do that again. Ever!


There are no pipes or plumbing in this patented system. You'll never get a blockage!


Mylar bag with patented fan and bag twisting system seals in the smell.


We absolutely guarantee all aspects of this product for 12-months.

By The Numbers!

Take a Look Inside Our US Factory

Laveo Dry Flush toilets are proudly made by American workers in Connecticut USA. 

Take a look inside the US factory and see the people that make this wonderful product and the associated materials such as the bags and pee powder.


Here in Australia & New Zealand, the products are exclusively sold and distributed by  DryFlush Australia Pty Ltd, based on the Gold Coast.

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Now Serving Aussies & Kiwis

Australians and Kiwis are among the most avid campers, caravanners, and outdoors people on the planet.


It is with great pride that we can provide this remarkable toileting solution to people in this part of the world, improving the family camping experience and also supporting the lives of those needing a better solution to a bedside commode.

We look forward to supporting you soon!

DryFlush Australia Pty Ltd


Laveo Toilet: $1,997

How to halve the cost of your bags

In the cartridge price chart above, you can see a range in pricing where it shows the "per use" cost. This variance in cost is based on whether or not you use pee powder.

Pee powder enables you to do up to three "number 1's" (without any sloshing or smell issues) before you have to flush. This will greatly reduce the amount of bagging you use and therefore reduce the cost of using the Laveo Dry Flush system.   


Got Questions?

Almost every question that you might have about these toilets is answered here in our FAQ section.

Things like:

- Where does the waste go?

- What are the dimensions of the toilet?

- Is it legal to put this waste into a council bin?

And much more!

If you have questions about the prices of the toilets or any of the accessories, please click here to visit our shop where everything is listed.

If you still have questions, please submit an inquiry below and we will be back in touch ASAP.

Thanks for submitting!

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